Join us and together solve your
Systems Engineering challenge! 

Finding creative solutions for your industrial challenges

Applying Systems Engineering principles and methodology

Working with an interdisciplinary student team

Building connections between your company and academia 

Are you an R&D company working on Systems Engineering?

Are you open to collaborate with the brightest minds of our university to solve one of your industrial challenges?

Then this programme is for you!

The systems engineering programme was the perfect collaboration to develop a great solution for optimising waste separation. I highly recommend companies to participate in the programme!

– Emma Raijmakers – Product Developer at Cyclus

Why should you participate to the Systems Engineering Programme with your company?

finding creative Solutions to your challenges

The Systems Engineering Programme gives companies the opportunity to find new innovative solutions for their system or product design cases.

Applying Systems Engineering principles and methodology

Applying Systems engineering to your industrial challemged can lead to results with valuable insights for your company.

Recruiting possible future employees

Here you can broaden your network and interact with young researchers as possible future employees.

collaborating with the tu delft

The programme offers your company the possibility to strengthen your academic collaboration with our university.

A good place to get your hands dirty in the chaotically structured world of research and development.

– Maia Rigot – Master’s student Applied Physics

Your technical students’ team

A team of 5-7 technical Master’s students

The team consists of 5-7 technical Master’s students from the TU Delft, with background on physics, nanobiology, and engineering.

Academic COACH

The team is guided by an academic coach from the TU Delft. The advisor coaches the team regarding teamwork, way-of-working with an R&D company, and communication skills.

company supervisor

The team is supervised by a company supervisor on a weekly basis (1h/week).

location of the project

The team will be working both at your company site as well as at the TU Delft campus.

Intellectual property

The Intellectual Property generated belongs to the participating company. 


Student allowance is netto
€ 500/student/month = € 1.250/student for 2.5 months.

I want to see the novel ideas the students have as they are a source of inspiration.

– Patrick de Jager – ASML Senior Research Director


Join the programme! 

Submit your company case

Please submit your proposal via email: and
The deadline for the proposal is 30 January (recurring every year).

Your proposal must be structured according to the format in the  Template for Systems Engineering Project Description. The proposal language is English and the exact titles of the paragraphs should be used as indicated. The maximum length of the proposal is limited to two A4 pages.


Any company and non-governmental organization can participate to the programme. Please express your company interest by submitting a proposal. We will contact you directly with further information.


The main purpose of this programme is to educate Master’s students in the field of Systems Engineering and work on real cases defined by the industrial partners. We find that the exchange of knowledge between the participating companies and students’ team should be as smooth as possible. Please indicate which information needs to be kept confidential while discussing and sharing it with your team. The results generated are intended to be public, upon agreement with the company. 

Participating companies


Download the proposal template: